Friday, November 24, 2006

Differences when taking buses


Back in Aussie, I remember when the first time I got off the bus, my friend said thanks to the bus driver. On seeing my weird look, she explained that it is normal, if not customary, to thank the driver when you alight.

So, it was somewhat a practice while I was in Aussie.

Hence, I was a little surprised when no one thanked the bus driver when I took a bus the other day.

But then, I recall, that this is Singapore.

People rushing into the trains while the other side attempts to push their way out. Stand still for too long, and the train slams shut in your face.

Not that it really matters. 15 minutes tops per train beats waiting 30-40 minutes a train.

However, because it is 30-40 minutes a train, the drivers are usually much kinder in Aussie. As they will blow their whistle before they leave, should the driver on the front/back not blow theirs, the train will not move. I recall a time when a friend of mine was frantically attempting to take down my handphone number (9 numbers). It was all thanks to the train driver waiting till he got it before blowing the whistle, was he able to catch the train.

Still, 30-40 minutes a train/bus is ridiculous. That is one thing I love about Singapore. The nice bus schedule, where if you miss one bus, it's alright, catch the next one which brings you to another station.

Another major difference will be the roads. Much wider and brighter here in Singapore. Roads in Australia are really tight, and some streets are missing street lamps, making it very difficult to drive at night.

Even then, sometimes, the lion seems to be missing. LoL.


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